
Books on Ice Research

  1. Creep and Fracture of Ice by Erland M. Schulson and Paul Duval, Cambridge University Press, 2009

  2. Physics of Ice by Victor F. Petrenko and Robert W. Whitworth, Oxford University Press, 1999

Papers from Members of the Ice Research Group


  1. "Experimental verification of the isotropic onset of percolation in 3D crack networks in polycrystalline materials with implications for the applicability of percolation theory to crustal rocks", J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, (2021): e2021JB023092, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023092

  2. "Fracture, Friction and Permeability of Ice", E.M. Schulson and C. E. Renshaw, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 50, 323-343,

  3. "Fracture, friction and permeability of ice", E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, Ann. Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 50, 232-3,

  4. "Melting temperature changes during slip across subglacial cavities drive basal mass exchange", A. Rempel, C. Meyer, and K. Riverman, J. Glaciol., 68(267), 197-203. doi:10.1017/jog.2021.107

  5. "Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere", M.D. Shupe M. Rex, B. Blomquist, P.O.G. Perssonet al. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10.. doi:10.1525/elementa.2021.00060

  6. "Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice". M. Nicolaus, D.K. Perovich, G. Spreen, M.A. Granskog, et al. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10.. doi:10.1525/elementa.2021.000046

  7. “Rapid healing of thermal cracks in ice”, A. Murdza, E.M. Schulson, C.E. Renshaw, and A Polojarvi, Geophys. Res. Lett. (2022) 49, e2022GL099771.https:/

  8. “Relaxation of Flexure-Induced Strengthening of Ice", A. Murdza, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, Geophys. Res. Ltr, (2022), 49,, e2021GL096559.5, doi:10.1029/2021GL09655


  1. "Behavior of saline ice under cyclic flexural loading", A. Murdza, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, The Cryosphere, 15 2415-2428,

  2. “Cyclic strengthening of lake ice”, A. Murdza, A. Marchenko, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, J. Glaciology, (2021), 67(261), 182-185, doi:10.1017/jog.2020.86.

  3. "Characterizing the ice-ocean interface of icy worlds: A theoretical approach", J.J. Buffo, B.E. Schmidt, C. Huber, and C.R. Meyer, Icarus, 360, Art. 114318, 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114318.

  4. "Discrete element modeling of planetary ice analogs: mechanical behavior upon sintering", W. Dhaouadi, E. Marteau, H. Kolvenbach, M. Choukroun, J.L. Molaro, R. Hodyss and E.M. Schulson, Granular Matter, 24( 12),

  5. “Dynamic observations of the densification of polar firn under compression using a Micro-Computed Tomograph”, Yuan Li and Ian Baker, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 126 (2021) e2021JF006290.

  6. "Dynamics of a Solidifying Icy Satellite Shell', J.J. Buffo, C.R. Meyer, J.G.R. Parkinson, J.R.G., "Dynamics of a Solidifying Icy Satellite Shell', J. Geophys. Res.: Planets 126.. doi:10.1029/2020je006741.

  7. "Experimental verification of the isotropic onset of percolation in 3D crack networks in polycrystalline materials with implications for the applicability of percolation theory to crustal rocks", C. E. Renshaw, A. Murdza & E.M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB023092.

  8. "A flexible and springy form of ice", E.M. Schulson, Science, 373 (6551), 158, DOI: 10.1126/science.abj4441.

  9. "The flexural strength of bonded ice", A. Murdza, A. Polojarvi, E.M Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, The Cryosphere, 15, 2957–2967,

  10. "A new approach to inferring basal drag and ice rheology in ice streams, with applications to West Antarctic Ice Streams", M. Ranganathan, B. Minchew, C. Meyer, and G. Gudmundsson, J. Glaciol., 67(262), 229-242. doi:10.1017/jog.2020.95.

  11. “Observations of the creep of polar firn”, Yuan. Li and Ian Baker, J. Glaciol., 68 (2021) 1-19.

  12. "Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice". M. Nicolaus, D.K. Perovich, G. Spreen, M.A. Granskog, et al. , 2022. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10.. doi:10.1525/elementa.2021.000046.

  13. "Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves", M. Ranganathan, B. Minchew, C.R. Meyer and M. Pec, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 576, 117219,

  14. "Synchronization of Heinrich and Dansgaard Oeschger Events Through Ice‐Ocean Interactions", L.E. Mann, A.A. Robel, C.R. Meyer, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36.. doi:10.1029/2021pa004334.


  1. "Deformation of an Elastic Beam on a Winkler Foundation", A.J.O. Butler, C.R. Meyer, J.A. Neufeld, J. App. Mech. 87, 1–13.. doi:10.1115/1.4046197.

  2. "Dilation of subglacial sediment governs incipient surge motion in glaciers with deformable beds", B.M. Minchew, C.R. Meyer, Proc. Royal Soc.A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 476, 20200033.. doi:10.1098/rspa.2020.0033

  3. "The firn meltwater Retention Model Intercomparison Project (RetMIP): evaluation of nine firn models at four weather station sites on the Greenland ice sheet", B. Vandecrux, R. Mottram, P.L. Langen, R.S. Fausto, M. Olesen, C.M. Stevens, C.M., V. Verjans, et al., The Cryosphere 14, 3785–3810.. doi:10.5194/tc-14-3785-2020.

  4. "Increased fractured rock permeability after percolation despite limited rock growth", C.E. Renshaw, E.M. Schulson, D. Iliescu and A. Murdza, J. Geophys. Res., 125 (8),doi: 10.1029/2019JB019240.

  5. “A model for French-press experiments of dry snow compaction”, C.R. Meyer, K.M. Keegan, I. Baker and R.L. Hawley, The Cryosphere 14 (2020) 1449–1458.

  6. “Strength evolution of ice plume deposit analogs of Enceladus and Europa”, M. Choukroun, J.L. Molaro, R. Hodyss, E. Marteau, P. Backes, E.M. Carey, W. Dhaouadi, S. Moreland and E.M. Schulson, Geophys. Res. Letts., doi: 10.1029/2020GL088953.

  7. "Surface flooding of Antarctic summer sea ice", S.F. Ackley, D.K. Perovich, T. Maksym, B. Weissling, H. Xie, Annals Glaciol., 61, 117–126.. doi:10.1017/aog.2020.22.

  8. "A Synthesis of Observations and Models to Assess the Time Series of Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Beaufort Sea"C.J. Planck, D.K. Perovich, B. Light, J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans 125.. doi:10.1029/2019jc015833

  9. "Strengthening of columnar-grained freshwater ice through cyclic flexural loading", A. Murdza, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, J. Glaciology, 1-11, doi: https://doi


  1. “Climatic effects on firn microstructure are preserved within the firn column”, K. Keegan, M. Albert, J.R. McConnell and I. Baker, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (2019) 830–837. 2018JF004798

  2. "Essential gaps and uncertainties in the understanding of the roles and functions of Arctic sea ice"S. Gerland, D. Barber,W. Meier, W., C.J. Mundy, M. Holland, S. Kern, Z. Li, C. Michel, D.K. Perovich, T. Tamura, Environmental Res. Lett. 14, 043002.. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab09b3

  3. “Experimental observation of the onset of percolation in freshwater granular ice”, C.E. Renshaw, E.M. Schulson, D. Iliescu, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124, 2445-2456, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016414

  4. “Microstructural Characterization of Snow, Firn and Ice”, I. Baker, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 377, 20180162.

  5. Son V. Nghiem, Jiyue Zhu, Shurun Tan, Donald K. Perovich, Christopher Polashenski, Stephen T. Lowe, Rashmi Shah, Anthony J. Mannucci, Adriano Camps, Estel Cardellach, Leung Tsang. Polar Sea Ice Thickness and Melt Pond Fraction Measurements with Multi-Frequency Bistatic Radar Polarimetric and Interferometric Reflectometry. In 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2019, Yokohama, Japan, July 28 - August 2, 2019. pages 4012-4015, IEEE, 2019. [doi]


  1. "Effect of compressive loading on first-year sea-ice permeability", C.E. Renshaw, A. Marchenko, E.M. Schulson, E. Karulin, J. Glac., 64, 443-449, doi:10.1017/jog.2018.32.

  2. "The effects of H2SO4 on the mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of polycrystalline ice", K. Hammonds and I. Baker, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 123, 535-556, doi:10.1002/2017JF004335.

  3. "Exploring the microstructure of ice", I. Baker, Advanced Materials and Processes, 176, 27-30.

  4. "Firn permeability impacts on pressure loss associated with rapid air movement drilling (vol 123, pg 149, 2016), A.N. Whelsky and M.R. Albert, Cold Reg. Sci. Techn., 145, 249-249, doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2017.11.004.

  5. "Friction of sea ice", E.M. Schulson, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 376: 20170336, doi:10.1098/rsta.2017.0336.

  6. "Monte Carlo study of UAV-measurable Albedo over Arctic sea ice", I. Podgorny, D. Lubin, D.K. Perovich, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Techn., 35, 57-66, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0066.1

  7. "Near-surface temperature inversion during summer at Summit, Greenland, and its relation to MODIS-derived surface temperatures", A.C. Adolph, M.R. Albert, D.K. Hall, Cryosphere, 12, 907-920, doi:10.5194/tc-12-907-2018.

  8. "Reflective properties of melt ponds on sea ice", A. Malinka, E. Zege, L. Istomina, G. Heygster, G. Spreen, D. Perovich, C. Polashenski, Cryosphere, 12, 1921-1937, doi:10.5194/tc-12-1921-2018.

  9. "Snow in the changing sea-ice systems", M. Webster, S. Gerland, M. Holland, E. Hunke, R. Kwok, O. Lecomte, R. Massom, D. Perovich, M. Sturm, Nature Climate Change, 8, 946-953, doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0286-7.

  10. "Sunlight, clouds, sea ice, albedo, and the radiative budget: the umbrella versus the blanket", D.K. Perovich, Cryosphere, 12, 2159-2165, doi:10.5194/tc-12-2159-2018.


  1. "Comparison of the effects of unidirectional and alternating temperature gradients on the sintering of ice spheres", X.Wang and I. Baker, Hydrological Processes, 31, 861-879, doi:10.1002/hyp.11067.

  2. "Dominance of grain size impacts on seasonal snow albedo at open sites in New Hampshire", A.C. Adolph, M.R. Albert, J. Lazarcik, J.E. Dibb, J.M. Amante and A. Price, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 122, 121-139, doi:10.1002/2016JD025362

  3. "Experimental observation of the onset of fracture percolation in columnar ice", C.E. Renshaw, C.E., E.M. Schulson and S. Sigward, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44. 1795-1802, doi:10/1002/2016GL071919.

  4. Experimental studies in mechanical properties and ductile-to-brittle transition of ice-silica mixtures: Young's modulus, compressive strength and fracture toughness", M. Yasui, E.M. Schulson, and C.E. Renshaw, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2017JB014029.

  5. "Major fraction of black carbon is flushed from the melting New Hampshire snowpack nearly as quickly as soluble impurities", J. Lazarcik, J.E. Dibb, A.C. Adolph, J.M. Amante, C.P. Wake, E. Scheuer, M.M. Mineau, and M.R. Albert, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 122, 537-553, doi:10.1002/2016JD025351.

  6. "Quantifying damage in polycrystalline ice via X-ray computed micro-tomography", K. Hammonds and I. Baker, Acta Mat., 127, 463-470, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.01.046.

  7. "Single-crystal I-h ice surfaces unveil connection between macroscopic and molecular structure", A. Brumberg, K. Hammonds, I. Baker, E.H.G. Backus, P.J. Bisson, M. Bonn, C.P. Daghlian, M.D. Mezger, M.J. Shultz, PNAS, 114, 5349-5354, doi:10.1073/pnas.1703056114.

  8. "Strength-limiting mechanisms in high-confinement, brittle-like failure: Adiabatic transformational faulting", C.E. Renshaw and E.M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, 1088-1106, doi:10.1002/2016JB013407.

  9. "Strengthening ice through cyclic loading", D. Iliescu, A. Murdza, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, J. Glac. 1-7, doi:10/1017/jog.2017.32.


  1. "Effects of prestrain on the ductile-to-brittle transition of columnar ice", E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, Acta Mater. 108, 110-126, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.062.

  2. "The effects of Ca++ on the strength of polycrystalline ice", K. Hammonds and I. Baker, J. Glac., 62, 954-962, doi:0.1017/jog.2016.84

  3. "Firn permeability impacts on pressure loss associated with rapid air movement drilling", A.N. Whelsky and M.R. Albert, Cold Reg. Sci. Techn. 123, 149-154, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2015.11.018.

  4. "Investigating the thermophysical properties of the ice-snow interface under a controlled temperature gradient Part II: Analysis", K. Hammonds and I. Baker, Cold Reg. Sci. Eng. 125, 12-20, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.01.006

  5. "Low-speed friction and brittle compressive failure of ice: fundamental processes in ice mechanics (vol. 60, pg 451, 2015)", E.M. Schulson, Intern. Mater. Rev., 61(3), 229, doi:10.1080/09506608.2016.1184004.

  6. "Microstructural evolution of polycrystalline ice during confined creep testing", D.J. Breton, I. Baker and D.M. Cole, Cold Reg. Sci. Eng. 127, 25-36, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.03.009

  7. "On the restoration of strength through stress-driven healing of faults in ice", S.T. Nodder and C.E. Renshaw, Acta Mater. 117 (2016), 306-310, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.06.046.

  8. "Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of salts in natural sea ice", R.W. Obbard, R.M. Lieb-Lappen, K.V. Nordick, E.J. Golden, J.R. Leonard, A. Lanzirotti, and M.G. Newville, Earth Space Sci., 3, 463-479, doi:10.1002/2016EA000172


  1. "Concrete-ice abrasion mechanics", E.M. Schulson, Cement and Concrete Res., 73, 79-95.

  2. "Investigating the thermophysical properties of the ice-snow interface under a controlled temperature gradient Part I: Experiments and Observations", K. Hammonds, R. Lieb-Lappen, X. Wang, Z. Courville and I. Baker, Cold Reg. Sci. Eng. 120, 157-167, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2015.09.006

  3. "Low-speed friction and brittle compressive failure of ice: fundamental processes in ice mechanics", E.M.Schulson, Intern. Mater. Rev., 60(8), 451-478, doi: 10.1179/1743280415Y.0000000010.

  4. "Making EBSD on water ice routine", D.J. Prior, K. Lilly, M. Seidemann, M. Vaughan, L. Becroft, R. Easingwood, S. Diebold, R. Obbard, C. Daghlian, I. Baker, T. Caswell, N. Golding, D. Goldsby, W.B. Durham, S. Piazolo and C.J.L. Wilson, J. Microscopy, 259, 237-256.

  5. "Maps for brittle and brittle-like failure in ice", C.E. Renshaw, N. Golding and E.M. Schulson, Cold Reg. Sci. Tech., 97, 1-6, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2013.09.008.

  6. "A phenomenological explanation of the pressure-area relationship for the identation of ince: Two size effects in spherical indentation experiments", E. Kim and E.M. Schulson, Cold Reg. Sci. Techn., 115, 48-55.

  7. "Plastic faulting in saltwater ice" N. Golding, S.A. Snyder, E.M. Schulson, J. Glac., 60(221), doi:10.3189/2014/JoG13J178.

  8. "The role of blowing snow in the activation of bromine over first-year Antarctic sea ice", R.M. Lieb-Lappen and R.W. Obbard, Atmospheric Chem. Phys., 15(13), 7537-7545, doi:10.5194/acp-15-7537-2015.

  9. "The role of damage and recrystallization in the elastic properties of columnar ice", S.A. Snyder, E.M. Schulson and C.E. Renshaw, J. Glaciol. 61(227), 461-480, doi: 10.3189/2015JoG14J225.

  10. "X-ray computed microtomography of sea ice", R. Obbard, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 15, 13167-131717.


  1. "Cryogenic EBSD Reveals Structure of Directionally Solidified Ice-polymer Composite", A.E. Donius, R.W. Obbard, J.N. Burger, P.M. Hunger, I. Baker, R. Doherty, and U.G.K. Wegst, Materials Characterization, 93, 184-190.

  2. "Evolution of the specific surface area of snow in a high temperature gradient metamorphism", Xuan Wang and Ian Baker, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, 119, 13,690-13,703. http//dx.doi:10.1002/2014JD022131.

  3. "Gas diffusivity and permeability through the firn column at Summit, Greenland: measurements and comparison to microstructural properties", A.C. Adolph, M.R. Albert, The Cryosphere, 8(1), 319-328, doi: 10.5194/tc-8-319-2014.

  4. "Global warming releases microplastic legacy frozen in Arctic Sea Ice", R.W. Obbard, S. Sadri, Y.Q. Wong, A.A. Khitun, I. Baker, and R.C. Thompson, Earth's Future, 2, 315-320. doi: 10.1002/2014EF000240.

  5. ", Impact of melt layers on gas transport in the firn column at NEEM, Greenland" K. Keegan, M. Albert, I. Baker, The Cryosphere, 8, 1095-1110, doi:10.5194/tcd-8-1095-2014.

  6. "Impact of physical properties and accumulation rate on pore close-off in layered firn", S. A. Gregory, M. R. Albert and I. Baker, The Cryosphere, v. 8, p. 91-105.

  7. "Maps for brittle and brittle-like failure in ice", C.E. Renshaw, N. Golding and E.M. Schulson, Cold Reg. Sci. Tech., 97, 1-6, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2013.09.008.

  8. " Plastic faulting in saltwater ice" N. Golding, S.A. Snyder and E.M. Schulson, J. Glac., 60(221), doi:10.3189/2014/JoG13J178.

  9. "Preface to the 13th Physics and Chemistry of Ice Conference (PCI-2014)", R.W. Obbard and I. Baker, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118(47), 13323-13323, doi: 10.1021/jp507860k.

  10. "Some secrets of the ice pressure-area curve for the indentation of ice" E. Kim and E. M. Schulson, Proc. of the 22th International Symposium on Ice, International Association Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Singapore, August 11-15, 2014.

  11. "YY Global warming releases microplastic legacy frozen in Arctic Sea ice", R.W. Obbard, S. Sadri, Y.Q. Wong, A.A. Khitun, I. Baker and R.C. Thompson, Earths Future, 2(6), 315-320, doi: 10.1002/2014EF000240.


  1. "An improved technique to measure firn diffusivity", A. Adolph and M.R. Albert, Internal. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 61, p. 598-604, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.02.029.

  2. "Are intermediate depth earthquakes caused by plastic faulting?" C.E. Renshaw and E.M.Schulson, Earth Planetary Sci. Ltrs., 382, 32-37, doi:10.1016/.epsl.2013.09.006.

  3. "Cryogenic EBSD reveals structure of directionally solidified ice-polymer composite", U.G.K. Wegst, J. Burger, R. Doherty, A.E. Donius, P.M. Hunger, M. Wheatley, N. Pashos, I. Baker and R.W. Obbard (submitted to Materials Characterization).

  4. "Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core", Nature, v. 493, p. 489-494.NEEM Community Members, 2013. (NEEM Community Member are: D. Dahl-Jensen, M.R. Albert, A. Aldehan, and 130 others.)

  5. "Mechanical properties of the ice I-magnesium sulfate eutectic: A comparison with freshwater ice in reference to Europa", N. Golding, C.E. Burks, K.N. Lucas, A.L. Fortt, S.A. Snyder and E.M. Schulson, Icarus, 225, 248-256, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2013.02.037.

  6. “Observation of the microstructural evolution of snow under uniaxial compression using x-ray computed micro-tomography”, X. Wang and I. Baker, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, 118, 1-12.

  7. “Sliding heavy stones to the Forbidden City on ice”, E. Schulson, PNAS, 110, 50, 19978-19979, doi:10.1073/pnas.1319581110.

  8. “Surface instability and mass transfer during the bonding of ice spheres”, S. Chen, I. Baker and Harold J. Frost, Phil. Mag., v. 93, 3177-3193. DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2013.80527.

  9. "Static strengthening of frictional surfaces of ice", E.M. Schulson and A.L. Fortt, Acta Mater. 61, 1616-1623, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.038

  10. "Where to find 1.5 million yr old ice for the IPICS "Oldest-ice" ice core", H. Fischer, J. Severinghaus, E. Brook, E. Wolff, M. Albert, O. Alemany, R. Arthern, C. Bentley, D. Blankenship, J. Chappellaz, T.Creyts, D. Dahl-Jensen, M. Dinn, M. Frezzotti, S. Fujita, H. Gallee, R. Hindmarsh, D. Hudspeth, G. Jugie, K. Kawamura, V. Lipenkov, H. Miller, R. Mulvaney, F. Parrenin, F. Pattyn, C. Ritz, J. Schwander, D. Steinhage, T. van Ommen, F. Wilhelms, Climate of the Past, 9(6), 2489-2505, doi: 10.5194/cp-9-2489-2013.


  1. “The effect of local climate on the physical properties of firn near pore close-off for two Antarctic sites" G. Stephanie*, M. Albert and I. Baker, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Presqu’île de Giens, Côte d’Azur, France, 1-5 October 2012.

  2. “The Effects of Overburden on Snow Metamorphism”, X. Wang* and I. Baker, American poster Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3-7th December, 2012.

  3. Extent of low-accumulation ‘wind glaze’ areas on the East Antarctic plateau: implications for continental ice mass balance, T.A. Scambos,M. Frezzotti, T. Haran, J. Bohlander, J. Lenaerts, M. vanden Broeke, K. Jezek, D. Long, S. Urbini. K. Farness, T. Neumann, M. Albert, J.G. Winther, J. Glaciol., v. 58(210), p. 633-647.

  4. The Extreme Melt Across the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2012, S.V. Nghiem, D.K. Hall, T. L. Mote, M. Tedesco, M.R. Albert, K. Keegan, C.A. Shuman, N.E. DiGirolamo, G. Neumann, Geophy. Res. Letters, v. 39, L20502, doi:10.1029/2012GL053611.

  5. "Friction of ice on ice", E.M. Schulson and A.L. Fortt, J. Geophys. Res.,117, B12204, doi:10.1029/2012JB009219.

  6. "Frictional Sliding of Cold Ice: A Fundamental Process Underlying Tectonic Activity with Icy Satellites", Erland M. Schulson, in "The Science of Solar System Ices, " eds. M. Gudipati, r. Pappalardo and J. Castillo, Springer, Science and Business Media, New York, pp 169-179.

  7. “Ice layers in the firn at NEEM” K. Keegan,M. Albert and I. Baker, International Partners in Ice Coring Sciences conference, France, Oct 2012.

  8. “Insight into the phase transformations between Ice Ih and Ice II from electron backscatter diffraction data”, D.J. Prior, S. Diebold, R.W. Obbard, C. Daghlian, David L. Goldsby, W.H. Durham and I. Baker, Scripta Materialia, 66, 69-72.

  9. "Mechanisms governing failure of ice beneath a spherically-shaped indenter", E. Kim, N. Golding. E.M. Schulson, S. Losel and C.E. Renshaw, Cold Reg. Sci. Techn. 78 (2012), 46-63.

  10. “Micro CT and a SEM Observation of the Structural Evolution of Ice Sphere Arrays under a Temperature Gradient”, S. Chen and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2012, Phoenix, AZ., July 29th-Aug. 3rd.

  11. “Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Ice and Snow”, I. Baker, Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement, Grenoble, France, October 8th, 2012.

  12. “Microstructural Characterization of Dry Snow Metamorphism”, I. Baker* and S. Chen, International Symposium on Seasonal Snow and Ice, Lahti, Finland 28 May-1 June 2012.

  13. "NEEM Firn Melt Layers" K. Kaitlin*, M. Albert, I. Baker and J. McConnell, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Presqu’île de Giens, Côte d’Azur, France, 1-5 October 2012.

  14. "New shortwave infrared albedo measurements for snow specific surface area retrieva", B. Montpetit, A. Royer, A. Langlois, P. Cliche, A. Roy, N. Champollion N, G. Picard, F. Domine and R. Obbard, J. Glac., 58(211). doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11j248.

  15. “Observations of Fabric Development in Polycrystalline Ice at Basal Pressures: Methods and Initial Results”, D.J. Breton* I. Baker and D.M. Cole, poster at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3-7th December, 2012.

  16. “On the impact of impurities on firnification and gas entrapment in Antarctic firn”, S. Gregory*, M. Albert and I. Baker, poster at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3-7th December, 2012.

  17. "Shear localization in ice: Mechanical response and structural evolution during P-faulting", N. Golding, E. M. Schulson and C. E. Renshaw, Acta Mater. 60, (2012), 3616-3631.

  18. “Relationship Between NEEM Firn Permeability and Diffusivity”, K. Keegan*, M. Albert and I. Baker, poster at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3-7th December, 2012.

  19. Variability of Deposition of Black Carbon to the East Antarctic Plateau, M.M .Bisiaux, R. Edwards, J.R. McConnell, M.R. Albert, H. Anschutz, T. Neumann, E. Isaksson, J.E. Penner, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics v. 12, p. 3799-3807.


  1. "Advanced Microstructural Characterization of Four East Antarctic Firn/Ice Cores", N. E. Spalding, D. A. Meese and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 57, 796-810.

  2. "Does the normal stress parallel to the sliding plane affect the friction of ice upon ice?", A. L. Fortt and E. M.Schulson, J. Glaciology, 52 (205), 949-953.

  3. "Frictional sliding across Coulombic faults in first-year sea ice: A comparison with freshwater ice", A.L. Fortt and E.M. Schulson, 116 (C11012), (2011), doi: 10/1029/2011JC006969.

  4. “Microstructural Evolution in the Fine-Grained Region of the Siple Dome (Antarctica) Ice Core”, R.W. Obbard, K.E. Sieg, I. Baker, D. Meese and G.A. Catania, J. Glaciology, 57 (2011) 1046-1056.

  5. "Microstructural evolution of fine-grained layers through the firn column at Summit, Greenland", R. Lomonaco, M. Albert and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 57(204), 755-762.

  6. "Non-joule heating of ice in an electric field", Victor F. Petrenko and Ivan A. Ryzhkin, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115(23), 6202-6207, DOI:10.1021/jp1114288.

  7. "Pulse electro-thermal de-icer (PETD)", Victor F. Petrenko, Charles R. Sullivan, Valeri Kozlyuk, Feder V. Petrenko and Victor Veerasamy, Cold Reg. Sci. Tech., 65(1), 70-78, DOI:10/1016/j.coldregions.2010.06.002.

  8. "Recovery Lakes, East Antarctica: Radar assessment of sub-glacial water extent", K. Langley, J. Kohler, K. Matsuoka, A. Sinisalo, T. Scambos, T. Neumann, A. Muto, J.G. Winther, M. Albert, Geophys. Res. Ltrs., 38: L05501, DOI: 10.1029/2010GL046094.

  9. "A scanning electron microscope technique for identifying of dust in ice cores", Rachel W. Obbard , Ian Baker and David J. Prior, J. Glaciology, 57 (203), 511-514.

  10. "Systematic experimental investigation of the impact of increasing confinement on shear faulting", C. E. Renshaw, N. Golding and E. M. Schulson, Proceeding of 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, June 26-29, 2011, ARMA 11-336, 7pp.

  11. “Using Borehole Logging to Orient an Ice Core from the Upper Fremont Glacier, Wyoming”, R. W. Obbard, T. Cassano, K. Aho, G. Troderman and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 57 (2011) 832-840.

  12. "Variable-resistance conductors (VRC) for power-line de-icing", Victor F. Petrenko , Charles R. Sullivan and Valeri Kozlyuk, Cold Reg. Sci. Tech, 65(1), 23-28, DOI:10/1016/j.coldregions.2010.06.003.


  1. "Deep air convection in the firn at a zero-accumulation site, central Antarctica", J.P. Severinghaus, M.R. Albert, Z.R. Courville, M.A. Fahnestock, K. Kawamura, S.A. Montzka, J. Muhle, T.A. Scambox, E. Shields, C.A. Shuman, M. Suwa, P. Tans and R.F. Weiss, Earth and Planetary Sci. Ltrs., DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.03.003, 293:3-4, 359-367,.

  2. "The evolution of individual snowflakes during metamorphism", S. Chen, and I. Baker, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D21114.

  3. "Lattice-Boltzmann modeling of the air permeability of polar firn", Z. Courville, M. Horhold, M. Hopkins and M. Albert, JGR-Earth Surface, 115:F04032, DOI: 10.1029/2009JF001549.

  4. "A new technique for firn grain-size measurement using SEM image analysis", N.E. Spaulding, D.A. Meese, I. Baker, P.A. Mayewski and G.S. Hamilton, J. Glaciology, 56:195, 12-19.

  5. "Observations of the morphology and sublimation-induced changes in uncoated snow using scanning electron microscopy", S. Chen and I. Baker, Hydrological Processes, 24:14, 2041-2044.

  6. "Shear faulting and localized heating in ice: The influence of confinement", Narayana Golding, Erland M. Schulson and Carl E. Renshaw, Acta Materialia, 58, 5043-5056, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2010.05.040.

  7. "Structural evolution during ice-sphere sintering", S. Chen and I. Baker, Hydrological Processes, 24:14, 2034-2040 .

  8. "Frictional sliding across shear faults in first-year sea ice", A.L. Fortt and E.M. Schulson (submitted to JGR).

  9. "Microstructural evolution in the fine-grained region of the Siple Dome Ice Core", R.W. Obbard, K.E. Seig, I. Baker and D. Meese (submitted to J. Glaciology).

  10. "Snow and Firn Properties as Indicators of Changing Polar Environment", M.R. Albert, G. Inglis, Z. R. Courville, J.E. Dibb (in press, Atmospheric Environment)

  11. "Using borehole logging to orient an ice core from the upper Fremont Glacier, Wyoming", R.W. Obbard, T. Cassano, K. Aho, G. Troderman and I. Baker (submitted to J. Glaciology)


  1. "Characterization of porous snow with SEM and micro CT", R.W. Lomonaco, S. Chen and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2009, July 26-30, Richmond, VA.

  2. "Coulombic faulting from the grain scale to the geophysical scale: lessons from ice", Jerome Weiss and Erland M. Schulson, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 214017-214035.

  3. "Firn", Rachel W. Obbaard, Ian Baker and Rachel W. Lomonaco, in "Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers", eds. V. Singh, P. Singh and U.K. Haritashya, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-2643-9, 2011.

  4. "Fracture of ice and other Coulombic materials", Erland M. Schulson, in "Mechanics of Natural Solids", eds. D. Kolymbas and G. Viggiani, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03578-4-8, p177-202.

  5. "Imaging brine and air inclusions in sea ice using micro-X-ray computed tomography", R.W. Obbard, G. Troderman and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 55(194), 1113-1115.

  6. “In-situ Observations of Snow Sublimation using Scanning Electron Microscopy”, S. Chen and I. Baker, proceeding of the 66th Annual Eastern Snow Conference, 9–11th June 2009, Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario, Canada, p5-9. (Weisnet Medal for Best Student Paper)

  7. "Microtomography versus optical microscopy in the examination of interior features in ice", R.W. Obbard and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2009, July 26-30, 2009, Richmond, VA.

  8. "Observations of the morphology and sublimation-induced changes in uncoated snow using scanning electron microscopy", S. Chen and I. Baker, Hydrological Processes, 24: 2041–2044. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7689.

  9. "On the effects of temperature on the strength of H2SO4-doped ice single crystals", X. Li, D. Iliescu and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 55 (191), 481-484.

  10. "Transition in brittle failure mode in ice under low confinement", L. M. Wachter, C. E. Renshaw and E.M. Schulson, Acta Materialia, 57, 345-355.

  11. "Velocity-dependent friction on coulombic shear faults in ice", A.L. Fortt and E.M. Schulson, Acta Mater. 57(15), 4382-4390


  1. "The effect of particles on creep rate and microstructures of granular ice", M. Song, I. Baker, and D. M. Cole, J. Glaciology, 54 (186), 533-537.

  2. "Effects of impurities and their redistribution during recrystallization of ice crystals", D. Iliescu and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 54 (185), 362-370.

  3. "Ice Forces on Structures", Erland M. Schulson, Proc. Workshop on Ice Abrasion on Concrete Structures, Helsingfors, Oct.25-26, 2007, The Nordic Concrete Federation, 2008, pp16-34.


  1. "Do loading path and specimen thickness affect the brittle compressive failure of ice?", A.L. Fortt and E.M. Schulson, J. Glaciology, 53, 305-309.

  2. "Effect of fine particles on the flow behavior of polycrystalline ice and glaciers - (I) a dislocation-based relaxation model", M. Song, D.M. Cole and I. Baker, Chinese J. Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica), 50, 126-130.

  3. "Effect of fine particles on the flow behavior of polycrystalline ice - (II) anelastic behavior", M. Song, D. M. Cole and I. Baker, Chinese J. Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica), 50, 1156-1160.

  4. "Limits on rock strength under high confinement", C.E. Renshaw and E. M. Schulson, Earth & Planet. Sci. Letts., 258, 307-314.

  5. "Microstructural characterization of firn", I. Baker, R. W. Obbard, D. Iliescu and D. Meese, Hydrological Processes, 21, 1624-1629.

  6. "The microstructure of meteoric ice from Vostok, Antarctica", R. Obbard and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 53, 41-62.

  7. "The resistance to sliding along coulombic shear faults in ice", A. L. Fortt and E. M. Schulson, Acta Mater., 55, 2253-2264.

  8. "Sea ice rheology from in-situ, satellite and laboratory observations", J. Weiss, E. M. Schulson and H. L. Stern, Earth & Planet. Sci. Letts., 255, 1-8.

  9. "The structure and mechanical properties of river and lake ice", D. Iliescu and I. Baker, Cold Regions Science and Engineering, 48 (3), 2002-217.


  1. "An investigation of the effects of particles on creep of polycrystalline ice", M. Song, D. M. Cole, I. Baker, Scripta Materialia, 55 (1), 91-94.

  2. "An investigation of the newtonian creep in polycrystalline ice", M. Song, D.M. Cole and I. Baker, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 763-771.

  3. "Brittle compressive failure of ice: Proportional straining vs. proportional loading", E. M. Schulson and D.Iliescu, J. Glaciology, 52 (177), 248-250.

  4. "Failure envelope of first-year Arctic sea ice: The role of friction in compressive fracture", E. M. Schulson, A. L. Fortt, D. Iliescu and C.E. Renshaw, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S25, doi:10.1029/2005JC003235186.

  5. "The fracture of water ice 1h: A short review", E. M. Schulson, Meteroritics and Planetary Science , 41 (10), 1497-1508.

  6. "Grain boundary grooving in ice in a scanning electron microscope", R. Obbard, I. Baker and D. Iliescu, Journal of Glaciology, 52 (176), 169-172.

  7. "On the role of frictional sliding in the compressive fracture of ice and granite: Terminal vs post-terminal failure", E.M. Schulson, A.L. Fortt, D. Iliescu, and C.E. Renshaw, Acta Materialia, 54 (15), 3923-3932.

  8. "Using electron backscatter diffraction patterns to examine recrystallization in polar ice sheets", R. Obbard, I. Baker and K. Sieg, J. Glaciology, 52, 546-557.


  1. "Characterization of ice for return-to-flight of the space shuttle 1: Hard ice", Erland M. Schulson, Daniel Iliescu and Andres Fortt. NASA CR 2005-213643-Part 1.

  2. "Characterization of ice for return-to-flight of the space shuttle II: Soft ice", Erland M. Schulson and Daniel Iliescu, NASA CR 2005-213643-Part 2.

  3. "Creep of granular ice with and without dispersed particles", M. Song, D. Cole and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 51 (173), 210-218.

  4. "The effect of particles on dynamic recrystallization and fabric development of granular ice during creep", M. Song, I. Baker and D.M Cole, J. Glaciology, 51 (173), 377-382.

  5. "Effect of silt particles on the creep of granular ice", M. Song, I. Baker and D.M. Cole, Proceeding of the Symposium on Creep Deformation and Fracture, Design, Edited by R.S. Mishra, J.C. Earthman, S.V. Raj and R. Viswanaathan, 277-284.

  6. "Initial experiments on the effects of particles at grain boundaries on the anelasticity and creep behavior of granular ice", M. Song, D. Cole and I. Baker, Annals of Glaciology, 39, 397-401.

  7. "Microstructural Characterization of Ice Cores", I. Baker, D. Iliescu, R. Obbard, H. Chang, B. Bostick and C.P. Daghlian, Annals of Glaciology, 42 (1), 441-444.

  8. "Orientation mapping in polycrystalling ice using electron backscatter patterns", D. Iliescu, I. Baker and C.P. Daghlian, Proceeding of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 31 - August 4, 2005, pp. 1500-1501. r and C.P. Daghlian, Proceeding of Microscopy and Microanalysis, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 31 - August 4, 2005, pp. 1500-1501.


  1. "The brittle compressive failure of fresh-water columnar ice", D. Iliescu and E.M. Schulson, Acta Materialia. 52, 5723-5735.

  2. "Characterization of the microstructure and mechanical properties in seasonal lake and river ice", D. Iliescu and I. Baker, Proceedings of the 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, article OS-26.

  3. "Compressive shear faults within arctic sea ice: fracture on scales large and Small", E.M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res., 109 (C7), C07016, 23 pgs.

  4. "Determining the orientation of ice crystals using electron backscatter patterns", D. Iliescu, I. Baker, and H. Chang, Microscopy Research and Technique, 63, 183-187.

  5. "Fracture of the winter sea ice cover on the Arctic Ocean", E.M. Schulson and W.D. Hibler III, Comptes Rendus-Physique, 5, 753-767.

  6. "Invasion of ice through rigid anisotropic porous media", I. P. Swainson and E. M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B12205, 7 pgs.

  7. "Plastic faulting: brittle-like failure under high confinement", C. E. Renshaw and E.M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B09207, 10 pgs.

  8. "Post terminal compressive deformation of Ice: Friction Along Coulombic Shear Faults", A. Fortt and E.M. Schulson. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Ice, IAHR 2004, Vol. 2, p. 315-322.


  1. "Effect of direct- and alternating-current electric fields on friction between ice and metals", M. Arakawa, V.F. Petrenko and C. Chen, Can. J. Phys., 81, 209-216.

  2. "The effects of sulfuric acid on the creep, recrystallization, and electrical properties of ice", D. Iliescu, I. Baker, and X. Li, Can. J. Phys. 81, 395-400.

  3. "The microstructural location of impurities in ice", I. Baker, D. Cullen and D. Iliescu, Can. J. Phys., 81, 1-9.

  4. "Observation of crack propagation in saline ice and freshwater ice with fluid inclusion", M. Arakawa and V. F. Petrenko, Can. J. Phys., 81,159-166.

  5. "On friction and surface cracking during sliding of ice on ice", M. Montagnat and E.M. Schulson, J. Glaciology, 49 (166), 391-396.

  6. "Reduction of ice adhesion to metal by using self-assembling monolayers (SAMs), V.F. Petrenko and S. Peng, Can. J. Phys., 81, 387-393.

  7. "Sliding along Coulombic shear faults in ice", A. Fortt, E.M. Schulson, and E. Russell, Can. J. Phys., 81, 519-527.

  8. "The structure and chemistry of 94m GISP2 ice", I. Baker and D. Cullen, Annals of Glaciology, 35 (2003) 224-230


  1. "Brittle failure of ice", E. M. Schulson, Plastice Deformation of Minerals and Rocks, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 51, 201-252.

  2. "Brittle compressive failure of ice: monotonic versus cyclic loading", D. Iliescu, and E.M. Schulson, Acta Materialia, 50 (8), 2163-2172.

  3. "Compressive shear faulting in ice: plastic vs. coulombic faults", E. M. Schulson, Acta Materialia, 50, 3415-3424.

  4. "The effects of H2SO4 on the mechanical behavior of ice single crystals", I. Baker, Y.L. Trickett, D. Iliescu and P.M.S. Pradhan, in Creep Deformation Fundamentals and Applications, Ed. - R.S. Mishra, J.C. Earthman and S.V. Raj, TMS, Warrendale, PA (2002) 85-94.

  5. "Examination of dislocations in ice", I. Baker, Crystal Growth & Design, 2 (2), 127-134.

  6. "Fracture of ice on scales large and small", E.M. Schulson, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics, Ed. - J.P. Dempsey and H.H. Shen, IUTAM, Fairbanks, Alaska.

  7. "Imaging of uncoated snow crystals using a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope", D. Iliescu and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 48 (162) 479-480.

  8. Reply to the discussion of the paper "A neutron diffraction study of ice and water within a hardened cement paste during freeze-thaw", I. P. Swainson and E. M. Schulson, Cement and Concrete Research, 32, 1847-1848.

  9. "Observation of sulfate crystals in Vostok accretion ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, Materials Characterization, 48, 263-269.

  10. "On the origin of a wedge-crack within the icy crust of Europa", E.M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res., 51(E11), art. 5107.

  11. "Preliminary microstructural and microchemical observations of pond and river accretion ice", D. Iliescu, D. Cullen and I. Baker, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 35(2), 81-99.

  12. "Scanning electron microscopy of Vostok accretion ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1546-7CD.

  13. "SEM/EDS studies of impurities in natural ice", D. Cullen, D. Iliescu and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1398-9CD.

  14. "The structure and chemistry of 94 Meter Greenland ice sheet project 2 ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, Annals of Glaciology, 35, 224-230.

  15. "Structure, chemistry and properties in natural ice", D. Cullen, D. Iliescu and I. Baker, Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1544-45CD.

  16. "Sulfate crystallites in Vostok accretion ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, Materials Characterization, 48(4), 263-270.


  1. "Brittle failure of ice", E. M. Schulson, Eng. Fracture Mechanics, 68(17-18), 1839-1887.

  2. "Crack nucleation in ice", H. J. Frost, Eng. Fracture Mechanics, 68(17-18), 1823-1837.

  3. "The chemistry of grain boundaries in Greenland ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, J. Glaciology, 46, 703-706.

  4. "Dislocation Motion Around Loaded Notches in Ice Single Crystals", D. Cullen, X. Hu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Proceedings of the Material Research Society, 590, 291-296.

  5. "Examination of Dislocations in Ice", I. Baker, Crystal Growth and Design, 2, 127-134. (Invited)

  6. "Fracture of ice", E. M. Schulson, Eng. Fracture Mechanics, 68(17-18), 1793-1795.

  7. "Ice", E. M. Schulson, text of inaugural lecture in Engineering Research Review, 3 November 2000 at Thayer School of Engineering, pg. 4-11.

  8. "Ice: Mechanical Properties," E. M. Schulson, Encyclopedia of Materials Science Pergamon, 4006-4018.

  9. "A neutron diffraction study of ice and water within a hardened cement paste during freeze-thaw", I. P. Swainson and E. M. Schulson, Cement and Concrete Research, 31(12), 1821-1830.

  10. "Observation of impurities in ice", D. Cullen and I. Baker, Microscopy Research and Technique, 55(3), 198-207.

  11. "Universal behavior in compressive failure of brittle materials", C. E. Renshaw, E. M. Schulson, Nature, 412(6850), 897-900.

  12. "Violation of ice rules near the surface: A theory for the quasiliquid layer", I. Ryzhkin and V. F. Petrenko, Physical Review B, 65(012205), 1-4.


  1. "Dislocation motion at notch-tips in ice single crystals: experiments and interpretation", D. Cullen, X. Hu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Cold Regions Science and Engineering, 31, 103-117.

  2. "The effect of H2SO4 on the stress exponent in Ice Single Crystals", I. Baker, Y.L. Trickett and P.M.S. Pradhan, Deformation of Glacial Materials, Ed- A. J. Maltman, B. Hubbard and M. J. Hambrey, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 176 (2000) 39-45.

  3. "The effects of sulfuric acid on the mechanical properties of ice single crystals", Y. L. Trickett, I. Baker and P. M. S. Pradhan, J. Glaciology, 46(103), 239-244.

  4. "The friction of ice on ice at low sliding velocities," F. E. Kennedy, E. M. Schulson and D. E. Jones, Phil. Mag. A, 80, 1693-1110

  5. "Grain boundary sliding and crack nucleation in ice," J. Weiss and E. M. Schulson, Phil. Mag. 80(2), 279-300

  6. "The friction of ice on ice at low sliding velocities," F. E. Kennedy, E. M. Schulson and D. E. Jones, Phil. Mag. A, 80, 1693-1110

  7. "Hexagonal ice in hardened cement," E. M. Schulson, I. P. Swainson, I. M. Holden, C. J. Korhonen, Cement and Conc. Res.30(2)m 191-196

  8. "On a model of the anistropic failure of flawed sea ice," W. D. Hibler III and E. M. Schulson, J.Geophys. Res, 105(C7), 17105-17120

  9. "Phase transition of an ice-proton system into a Bernal-Fowler state", I. Ryzhkin and V. F.Petrenko, Physical Review B, 62(17),11280-11283.

  10. "The orientation dependence of the strength of ice single crystals, Y. L. Trickett, I. Baker and P. M. S. Pradhan J. Glaciology, 46(152), 41-44

  11. "X-ray Topographic Observations of Dislocation/Grain Boundary Interactions in Ice", I. Baker, F. Liu, K.Jia, X. Hu, D. Cullen and M. Dudley, Annals of Glaciology, 31 (2000) 236-240


  1. "The brittle compressive failure of orthotropic ice under triaxial loading", E. M. Schulson and E. T. Gratz, Acta mater., 47(3), 745-755

  2. "Ice damage to concrete", E. M. Schulson, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Special Report 98-6, April, pp. 48

  3. "On the initiation of shear faults during brittle compressive failure: A new mechanism", E. M. Schulson, D. Iliescu and C. Renshaw, J. Geophys. Res., 104 (B1), 695-705

  4. "On the triggering of shear faults during brittle compressive failure: a new mechanism", E. M. Schulson, D. Iliescu and C. Renshaw, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 539, 107-112

  5. "The Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Ice", E. M. Schulson, JOM, 51, 21-27


  1. "Ductile compressive failure of columnar saline ice under triaxial loading," J. S. Melton and E. M. Schulson, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 103 (C10), 21758-21766

  2. "Effect of electric fields on adhesion of ice to mercury," V. F. Petrenko, J. Applied Physics, 84 (1), 261-267.

  3. "Non-linear rate dependent deformation under compression due to state variable friction," C. E. Renshaw and E. M. Schulson, Geo. Res. Ltrs., 25 (12), 2205-2208

  4. "Comparison of brittle compressive failure of fresh- and salt-water columnar ice", S. Qi and E. M. Schulson, Ice in Surface Waters, edited by Hung Tao Shen, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Ice, Potsdam, New York, 27-31 July, p. 521-527

  5. "Comparison of ductile compressive strength of columnar saline ice under proportional and conventional triaxial loading", J. S. Melton and E. M. Schulson, Proceedings of 8th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 May, p. 408-415

  6. "Grain boundary sliding and crack nucleation in ice", J. Weiss and E. M. Schulson, Ice in Surface Waters, edited by Hung Tao Shen, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Ice, Potsdam, New York, 27-31 July, p. 537-545

  7. "The effect of temperature on the ductile-to-brittle transition in columnar ice", E.T. Gratz and E. M. Schulson, Ice in Surface Waters, edited by Hung Tao Shen, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Ice, Potsdam, New York, 27-31 July, p. 559-566

  8. "Macroscopic compressive shear faults in S2 columnar ice", D. Iliescu and E. M. Schulson, Ice in Surface Waters, edited by Hung Tao Shen, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Ice, Potsdam, New York, 27-31 July, p. 553-558


  1. "Across-column cracks and axial splits in S2 saline ice under compression", E. M. Schulson, S. Qi, J. S. Melton, and E. T. Gratz, J. Glaciology, 43, (145), 411-414

  2. "Brittle failure of columnar saline ice under triaxial compression", E.T. Gratz and E.M. Schulson, J. Geophysical Research, 102(B3), 5091-5107

  3. "Discussion of "Mechanical properties of first-year ice at Tarsuit Island", J. Richter-Menger and E.M. Schulson, J. Cold Reg. Eng., ASCE, 11, 93-96

  4. "Electrical properties of ice/solid interface", N.N. Khusnatdinov, V.F. Petrenko and C. Levey, J. Physical Chemistry B, 101(32), 6212-6214

  5. "Experimental study of ice electrolysis in darkness and under ultraviolet irradiation", N.N. Khusnatdinov and V.F. Petrenko, J. Physical Chemistry B, 101(32), 6208-6211

  6. "Kinks and cracks in S1 ice under across-column compression", M.E. Manley and E.M. Schulson, Phil. Mag. Ltr., (75)2, 83-90

  7. "Mechanisms of the brittle compressive failure of ice", E. M. Schulson, in Recent Advances in Fracture, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1997, edited by A. B. G. R. K. Mahidhara, P. Matic and K. Sadananda, TMS, Orlando, Florida.

  8. "Observation of dislocations in ice", I. Baker, J. Physical Chemistry B, 101(32), 6158-6162

  9. "On modeling sea ice fracture and flow in numerical investigations of climate", W.D. Hibler III and E.M. Schulson, Annals of Glaciology, 25, 26-32

  10. "On the strain rate sensitivity of columnar ice", M.E. Manley and E.M.Schulson, J. Glaciology, 43, 408-410

  11. "Physical mechanisms responsible for ice adhesion", I. A. Ryzhkin and V. F. Petrenko, J. Physical Chemistry B 101(32), 6267-6270

  12. "Study of ice surface and ice/solid interfaces with scanning force microscopy", V.F. Petrenko (in press) J. Physical Chemistry B, 101(32), 6276-6289

  13. "Surface states of charge carriers and electrical properties of the surface layer of ice", V.F. Petrenko and I.A. Ryzhkin, J. Physical Chemistry B 101(32), 6285-6289

  14. "Temperature dependence of dislocations in notched ice crystals", X. Hu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, J. Physical Chemistry B, 101(32), 6102-6104


  1. "Crack velocities in freshwater and saline ice", V.F.Petrenko, J. Geophysical Res., 101(B5), (1996), 11541-11551.

  2. "Effect of X radiation on the plastic deformation of II-VI compounds",V.F. Petrenko, N.N. Khusnatdinov and I. Baker, Physical Rev. B, 53(23),(1996), 15401-15403.

  3. "The effect of X - radiation on the plastic deformation of ice", X. Hu, F. Liu, I. Baker and D. Black, Phil. Mag. A, 73 (5), (1996), 1355-1361.

  4. Correction to "Failure of columnar saline ice under biaxial compression:Failure envelopes and the brittle-to-ductile transition", E.M. Schulson and O.Y. Nickolayev, J. Geophys. Res., 101(B3), (1996), 5659.

  5. "Fast-growth technique for ice single crystals", N.N. Khusnatdinov and V.F. Petrenko, J. Crystal Growth, 163, (1996), 420-425.

  6. "The nucleation of microcracks in ice cubes compressed equally on all boundaries", J. Weiss, E.M. Schulson, and H.J. Frost, Phil. Mag.A, 73(5), (1996), 1385-1400

  7. "Observation of slip transmission through a grain boundary in ice", I. Baker, K. Jia, F. Liu and M. Dudley, Journal of Materials Science, 31, 2372-2378

  8. "Synchrotron x-ray topographic studies of dislocations in polycrystalline ice", I. Baker, F. Liu, K. Jia, X. Hu and M. Dudley, Antarctic Journal, 75, 75-76

  9. "SIMI workshop panel on the 1cm-1m (materials) scale", E.M. Schulson and D.M. Cole, Proc. of the Sea Ice Mechanics and Arctic Modeling Workshop, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995, Vol. 2, 45-49

  10. "In-situ x-ray topographic observations of notches in ice", X. Hu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 34 (3), (1996), 491-497

  11. "Dislocation/grain boundary interactions in ice crystals under creep conditions", I. Baker, F. Liu, K. Jia, X. Hu and M. Dudley, (Proceeedings of the 7th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26th-29th, 1995), Materials Science Forum, (207-209), 581-484.

  12. "The failure of ice under compression", Erland M. Schulson (1996), Proceedings of the Johannes Weertman Symposium, edited by R.J. Arsenault, D. Cole, T.Gross, G. Kostorz, P.K. Liaw, S. Parameswaran, and H. Sizek, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.

  13. "Physics of Ice", V. F. Petrenko and R. W. Whitworth, Oxford University Press


  1. "Crack nucleation in polycrystalline ice due to elasticanisotropy and grain boundary sliding," R. C. Picu and V. Gupta, ActaMetall. Mater. 43, (1995), 3783-3790

  2. "Dislocation/grain boundary interactions in ice crystals", F. Liu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Philosophical Magazine, 71, (1995), 15-42.

  3. "The ductile-to-brittle transition and ductile failure envelopes of orthotropicice under biaxial compression," E. M. Schulson and S. E. Buck, Acta. Metall.Mater., 43 (10), (1995), p. 3661-3668.

  4. "The failure of columnar saline ice under biaxial compression: failure envelopes and the brittle-to-ductile transition", E. M. Schulson and O. Nickolayev, J. Geophys. Res., 100(B11), 22383-22400

  5. "The failure of fresh-water granular ice under multiaxial compressive loading", J. Weiss and E. M. Schulson, Acta Metall. et Mater., 43, 2303-2315

  6. "Generation of electric fields in ice and snow friction", V. F. Petrenko and S. C. Colbeck, J. Appl. Phys., 77(9), 4518-21

  7. "Grain boundary sliding and across-column cracking in columnar ice", O. Y. Nickolayev and E. M. Schulson, Phil. Mag. Letters, 72, 93-97

  8. "A model for the indentation-induced splitting ice floe experiments", R. C. Picu and V. Gupta, Acta Metall. Mater., 43, 1355-1362

  9. "Observations of crack nucleation in columnar ice due to grain boundary sliding", R. C. Picu and V. Gupta, Acta Metall. Mater., 43, 3791-3798

  10. "Thermally-induced dislocation loops in polycrystalline ice", F. Liu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Philosophical Magazine, 71, 1-14

  11. "Compressive failure of columnar saline ice under multiaxial loading", E. M. Schulson, Proc. of the Sea Ice Mechanics and Arctic Modeling Workshop, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995, Vol. 1, p. 122-140, 1995

  12. "Crack velocity measurements in sea ice", in Grain Size and Mechanical Properties -- Fundamentals and Applications, O. Gluschenkov and V. Petrenko, MRS Symposium Proceedings, MRS, edited by M. A. Otooni et al., 362, p. 85-90, MRS, Pittsburg

  13. "Dislocation mobility in HC1-doped ice", X. Hu, K. Jia, F. Liu, I. Baker, and D. Black, Proceedings of the Material Research Society, 375, 287-292

  14. "Effect of x-ray radiation on ice", X. Hu, F. Liu, I. Baker and D. Black, Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Program, ASME AMD-MD Summer Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 28-30, 1995

  15. "Electromechanical phenomena in ice", V.F. Petrenko, USA CRREL Special Report 95-xx

  16. "A failure surface for brittle failure of orthotropic (columnar saline ice under triaxial compression," E.T. Gratz and E.M. Schulson, AMD-Vol. 207, Ice Mechanics, ASME 1995, p. 9-20

  17. "Germination de fissures dans la grace sous compression hydrostatique", J. Weiss, E.M. Schulson and H.J. Frost, Proc. 12 eme Congres, Francais de Mecanique, Strasbourg, 4-8 Sept. 1995

  18. "In-situ and laboratory measurements of the physical and mechanical properties of first-year sea ice", D.M. Cole, J.P. Dempsey, R.M. Adamson, L.H. Shapiro, W. Weeks, B. Byers, V.F. Petrenko and O.V. Gluschenkov in Ice Mechanics, edited by J.M. Dempsey and Y.D.S. Rajapaksey, ASME: New York. Proceedings of Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference AMD-MD'95, Los Angeles, June 28-30, 1995, pp. 161-78

  19. "Measurements of crack velocity and electromagnetic emission from cracks in sea ice", V.F. Petrenko and O.V. Gluschenkov in Ice Mechanics, edited by J.M. Dempsey and Y.D.S. Rajapaksey, ASME: New York. Proceedings of Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference AMD-MD'95, Los Angeles, June 28-30, 1995, pp. 201-210

  20. "A new method to characterize dislocation loops", F. Liu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, Proceedings of the Material Research Society, 375, 319-324

  21. "Photoplastic effect on ice", N.N. Khusnatdinov and V.F. Petrenko in Microstructure of Irradiated Materials, MRS Symposium Proceedings, Editors: Ian M. Robertson et al., 373, p. 317-22, MRS, Pittsburg

  22. "Preliminary results on the ductile deformation of columnar saline ice under triaxial compressive loading," J.S. Melton and E.M. Schulson, Proc. OMAE Ice Symposium, June 1995, IV, 139-143

  23. "SFM studies of the surface morphology of ice", O. Nickolayev and V. Petrenko, MRS Symposium Proceedings, edited by B.G. Demczyk et al., 355, 221-26, MRS, Pittsburg


  1. "The brittle compressive failure of columnar salt-water ice under biaxial loading", T.R. Smith and E.M. Schulson, J. Glaciology, 40, 265-276

  2. "Crack nucleation mechanism in saline ice", R.C. Picu, V. Gupta and H.J. Frost, J. Geophys. Res., 99B, 11775-11786

  3. "The cracking of ice during rapid unloading", M.L. Couture and E.M. Schulson, Phil. Mag. Lett., 69, 9-14

  4. "Ductile saline ice", G.A. Kuehn and E.M. Schulson, J. Glaciology, 40, 566-568

  5. "The effect of static electric fields on friction of ice", V.F. Petrenko, J. Applied Physics, 76(2), 1216-19

  6. "The mechanical properties of saline ice under uniaxial compression", G. A. Kuehn and E. M. Schulson, Annals of Glaciology, 19, 39-48

  7. "On the nature of photo charge carriers in ice", V.F. Petrenko and N.N. Khusnatdinov, J. Chem. Phys., 100(12), 9096-9105

  8. "Photoplastic effect on ice", N.N. Khusnatdinov and V.F. Petrenko, Phys. Rev. Lett., 72(21), 3363-66

  9. "Preliminary observations of the brittle compressive failure of columnar saline ice under triaxial loading", E.T. Gratz and E.M. Schulson, Annals of Glaciology, 19, 33-38

  10. "Studies of defect behavior in large-grain, polycrystalline ice using synchtrotron x-ray topography", M. Dudley, F. Liu and I. Baker, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 240, 73-80

  11. "Studies of dislocations in zns and znse by scanning force microscopy", O.Y. Nickolayev and V.F. Petrenko, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol. B, 12(4), 244

  12. "Synchrotron x-ray topographic studies of grain boundaries", F. Liu and I. Baker, Microscopy Society of America Bulletin, 24, 351-358

  13. "Defects in ice. Part I. Point defects", V.F. Petrenko and R.W. Whitworth, Monograph, USA CRREL Special Report 94-4

  14. "Defects in ice. Part II. Dislocations and plane defects", V.F. Petrenko and R.W. Whitworth, Monograph, USA CRREL Special Report 94-##

  15. "Dislocation/grain boundary interactions in ice Ih under creep conditions", F. Liu, I. Baker and M. Dudley, IAHR Ice Symposium, 484-494

  16. "Failure envelopes and the ductile-brittle transition in S2 columnar freshwater and saline ice under biaxial loading", S.E. Buck, O.Y. Nickolayev and E.M. Schulson, Proc. IAHR Symp. on Ice Mechanics, Trondheim, 1, 454-463

  17. "The failure of fresh-water granular ice under multiaxial compressive loading", J. Weiss and E.M. Schulson, Proc. IAHR Symp. on Ice Mechanics, Trondheim, 1, 495-504

  18. "On In-situ study of dislocation/grain boundary interactions using x-ray topography and tem", I. Baker and F. Liu, Proceedings of the Material Research Society, 319, 203-214

  19. "In-situ synchrotron x-ray topography studies of polycrystalline ice", I. Baker, F. Liu, M. Dudley and D. Black, IAHR Ice Symposium, 416-425

  20. "In-situ synchrotron x-ray topography of dislocation motion in single crystal and polycrystalline ice", I. Baker, F. Liu, K. Jia, X. Hu and M. Dudley, Annual TMS Meeting, San Franciscio, CA, Feb. 28-Mar. 3, 1994

  21. "The surface of ice", V.F. Petrenko, USA CRREL Special Report 94-22